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July 24, 2008

Parade ready: what's your company float?

On July 4th I walked in our parade.

When was the last time you walked in a parade?

What if your company decided to enter a float in this years parade? Could you do it? Sure, you could get a hayrack or some trailer and fancy it up, maybe put a band on it. But is that your company? Is a band what you stand for (unless your a music store)?

Here is my challenge for you: if you had to sum up your company, your motto, your credo, in one float-- could you do it?

(Incidentially, I am in that picture somewhere.)

July 9, 2008

Moving Sale!

Greetings all 5 readers of the blog. Please accept my apologies in the delay of blog postings- but I have been in the process of moving the GS&MI blog home (yeah acronyms suck) to a new location and being involved in the process of adopting a rescue dog. More on both of those to come.

Anyway. I have many many posts in my head and will be sharing them shortly. So just to tease you here are some in the very near future:
- Parade ready: what's your company float?
- Image is everything! Does your salesteam fit you?
- Pack leader or follower: why your sales managers need to watch Cesear Milan.
- Image don't mean shit with that attitude.
- RND- what gear are you in? What gear are your salespeople in?

Alright. You get the point. My mind has been in overdrive while moving furniture and blogging on the iPhone just isn't fast enough! (Come on Apple, make that go!)