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October 26, 2008

I don't need your stinking notes!

At the risk of turning this blog into a surregate youtube site I present you with a reason to use notecards.

October 24, 2008

Politcal dance off

If only the debates were this entertaining!

October 20, 2008

Lost in translation

I am youtubing again. (Is that even a term?)

Anyway. I believe this is a prime example of being lost in translation--i.e. not writing to your customers, but writing to your intelligence. Customers don't want you to show how smart you are, but how well you understand their problems.

October 19, 2008

20 months

In that time Barack Obama put together a campaign that inspires videos like this.

If you start tomorrow, can your brand inspire the same inspiration?

October 16, 2008

Start to finish

This photo should be a reminder that you must finish well.

The meeting is not over until you are out of the parking lot.

The interview doesn't end with the handshake--it ends when you are off the premises.

People are always watching and your story, your pitch, your theme continues until the very end. And not just when you want it to. Maintaining composure and prose completes your theme. 

In short, you could have the best interview, best sales pitch ever; but if you stick your tongue out at the end--what is that saying about you?