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April 16, 2008

How big is your list?

While speaking with one of our resellers today she bragged that sent 10,000 emails to her entire list.

Ten thousand- that's a lot. I mean, really thats A LOT!

So who cares?

What if only 700 or so open it? That's 9,300 who didn't. Ninety three hundred is A LOT!

Is it relevant and personal? That is what you have to ask yourself every time you send an email campaign. If its not relevant- why send it? If it isn't personal - and no adding a "Dear {First Name}, doesn't count. I mean really personal. If you spent the time to get the person's name, then you should spend the time to get personal with them.

Here is what I do.

When I prep for a email campaign, I think of my audience. Who do I want to speak to? And more importantly- do they want to hear it? So I don't brag to my boss that I sent ten thousand emails. I brag that I sent one thousand with an open rate of 60%.

Here is my idea for you...
When getting ready to send your email campaign think about this. Would I send an email to my entire address book letting people know I am having a party? I bet not. I know my Aunt Alma wouldn't appreciate that.
An email campaign to your entire list is has the same effect.

So think back to the last time you spoke generally to a friend or coworker without ever listening to what they had to say. Sending to your entire list has the same effect.

April 2, 2008

Too far out of the box

I recently read this blog posting about an ad agency Modernista! and their website. (I'll wait a second and let you read that post first.)

Ok, done? Good.

So did you Google Modernista!?
Then you saw that the webpage isn't a webpage, its just a nav bar that hangs out while you navigate the web. (No one surfs the web anymore- thats so 1990's)

I love companies that will think outside the box-LOVE IT! I like when they push the boundaries of what something is and what they think it should be. Modernista! does exactly that. Why would someone go to just ONE website, why not have your website easily accessible while they info-snack?

Just one problem. The rest of society is struggling to get caught up on the web. In fact some of the web is struggling to keep up with its self.
Take for example the wikipedia page for Modernista!, they point out that you are not at the modernista site and they are doing things wrong!--AHHH! We can't have companies doing things on the web wrong.

According to Wikipedia there is a right way to navigate the web and a wrong way. Modernista! is the wrong way.

Here is the line in the sand for me. The internet will never be the same. Companies like Modernista! have changed it for me. They pushed the boundary on what it can be- a place to navigate with friends, and have it be an experience. And I don't mean social networking, I mean sites like These are sites that change the web into an experience.

So what happens if you are too far out of the box? You are considered a non-conformist. This is perfect for Modernista! because that builds their brand and fits nicely with their mantra.

But what about your brand?

Can you push the boundaries for your company? Your sales department?
Lets think about this. Take for example the thank you letter. Does it have to be a letter?