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March 11, 2007

Spring ahead?

Service is in the details. And I bet by now your IT department has flooded your inbox with reminders about the change to daylight savings time this weekend. PC's around the world may have the wrong time! Whatever are we to do?

I know all the news websites I check were buzzing with what might happen... oh no, will the computers (that run our lives) be able to adjust? Is this another Y2K? Will cheese still melt on pizza if the computer doesn't have the right time?

So I googled it...

I found that Apple was already on it. In fact, they have been on it since my last software update back in February. On their site they posted:

"DST rule changes for the United States and most of Canada are already available in Mac OSX 10.4.5 or later"

So why should you care? This is a perfect example of great service in the details. They already addressed the concern before it became a concern for me.

The Selling Point:
Anticipating customer concerns and having the mechanisms in place to alleviate them is a great way to build word of mouth advertising. So when was the last time you thought about the concerns you customer may have?

And don't forget to set your clocks ahead...unless your on a Mac.

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