In over your head
Ever interview for a job that didn't think you would get?
I have. And oh, I have made some mistakes.
But you learn and move on.
My first (and biggest) mistake was I lacked a WOW factor. I wasn't prepared for the questions, I hadn't done my homework on the company. I did nothing to wow them.
What does all this have to do with selling?
If you sell, you are interviewing everyday. Before you walk into a clients office, your research their pains, know the challenges they face, and how YOU can fix it.
Selling can make you interview great. Interviewing can make your selling great.
The Selling Point:
If your a great salesperson there is no job you can't attain, I firmly believe that. I interviewed candidates today that lacked a wow factor. They were great salespeople, but they lacked the leave behind, that nugget of knowledge that made me remember them. They needed to go back to interviewing school. If I couldn't remember them, how could their customer remember them? If you sales are slumping go out on an interview or two. Your going to either find a weakness in your sales pitch or a new company to work for. Either outcome will be a positive for you.
__________________________________________________________________The ebook is here!
Friends first, customers second--the approaches I use for every sale, every time.
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