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January 1, 2008

Whats your job?

I think I would like to rewrite my job title.

Really. I don't see myself as a salesperson anymore.

Think of it. When was the last time you helped inform your customer into a decision? With the information age upon us (that's almost as bad a name as Cyber- Monday), consumers have access to way more information than in years past.

Consumers can make an educated decision. In fact, Consumers like to feel as though they are making an educated decision.

They don't needs salespeople anymore. What they need are reassurance people.

What are reassurance people? These are individuals who should be working to reassure prospects and current clients that they have made the right decision to purchase from them. That the customer is right, is making a good decision, and is purchasing correctly.

A while back a friend asked my opinion about a purchase. She said, "I am asking you this so you can reassure me that I made the right decision, not because I want your opinion."

This is the new job of a salesperson.

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