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January 16, 2009

Rescue a Rescue

Recently I read a blog post from David Armano about the power of social media. In his post he wrote about a family that needed help and how social media came to the rescue.

In that same regard I am asking you to do the same.

In June of 2008 I adopted my dog TJ from the America's Basenji Rescue in Indianapolis. For those of you close to me you know that he means the world to me.

That rescue is in financial trouble. Over the last six months the owner has fallen on very tough times. Rebecca and Keith have always ran the rescue out of their own pockets. But recently his job has been cut back and more dogs are coming into the shelter than are being adopted. The rescue currently has 26 dogs and room enough for only 15. As you can imagine the vet bills and food bills are mounting (for those of you in the midwest you know how cold it has been and the heating bills are mounting as well).

I know that times are tough for all of us but it would mean a lot to me personally if you could reach out and help this shelter. A monetary donation is not necessarily needed. If you have old towels or blankets around the house that you don't use please send them. If you have the means to send money please do.
Rebecca is not the type of person to ask for a hand out, so it was personally heartbreaking to receive her email this morning asking for help.

If you are interested or know someone who is interested you can send a check to the following address:

Rebecca Sloan
2589 S. Roena St.
Indianapolis, IN 46241

Or you can donate through their website at

This is not a for profit company and all of the donations will be going directly to the care of dogs who are currently homeless.

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