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October 12, 2007

Perspectives and perceptions

I was at a car dealership last weekend having my Civic serviced when this came to mind.

Salespeople often lose the value perspective.

Case in point. I overheard a car salesman talk about the 3 customers he had to take care of today to get them in cars. To him it was 3 out of dozens he would work with.
To the customer it was the one most important purchase they would make this year.

Earlier this week I wrote a proposal for a new client. I won't brag the proposal wasn't that big in comparison to others that I have sent out.
But to the customer, it was huge! Ginormous! It was one of the most important decisions she would make this year.

So I treated it that way. It may not have been big in my perspective, but it was in her perception.

So here is an idea for you....
When you are preparing your next proposal or talking with a client put yourself back in their shoes. Or even your own shoes when you started with the company. Remember that first big sale, or account you landed? Its that way everyday with your customers.

Sure you may sell hundreds of widgets everyday, but your customer only buys one. And its the one that is the most important to her.

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