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August 4, 2007

One call, one person

A while back I pointed out a phone call I had with American Express and the positive experience I had.
The best part of the conversation I had that day was it revolved around one person solving all my problems.
I have more good news. That great virus is spreading into other companies. It should really be no surprise that my local bank can do exactly what American Express did. Really it speaks more to the level of customer service from American Express when they provided me that level of customer service. But the other day I called my local bank to update my address. The person that picked up the phone changed my address, answered my question, and promised to send me more information that I was requesting.

One person-solving all my problems-what a great idea! But...

That shouldn't be all that great, if you think about it. The problem is that we (as customers) have become so accustomed to hitting the phone tree maze that we really take it for granted.

What a shame.

Here's an idea for you...
When was the last time you called in to your customer service department? How many times were you transferred to different people to solve simple problems. I would advocate that everyone in customer service take a page from Apple. Think of how it should work, and make that the standard. Don't look at how everyone else does their customer service, think of the ideal experience and replicate it 500 times (or more) a day.

Just because everyone else has massive phone trees doesn't mean you should. Sometimes its the simplest of measures that will make your customers the happiest. Happy customers always equal buying customers.

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