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January 31, 2007

Did you ask me?

Microsoft this week launched Vista. For those of you who don't know, its the look-a-like operating system meant to imitate Apple's OS X.

I found it interesting when I read this article on about a Staples store in San Fransisco staying open till midnight to sell it. Do you know how many people showed up?


That must be a huge success for Microsoft!?! Let's just let that soak in for a moment. You build software that undoubtedly most of the country uses (I am Mac fan so I am in the minority, but I like that). That being said shouldn't the release of a new product draw crowds of people? I would like to hope so.

When polled, as you will read in the article, most people showed up for the free food and discounted printers. And as the columnist continues he didn't see anyone buying a copy.

The Selling Point:
Personal OS system preferences aside, if your a big manufacturer shouldn't you ask your customers what they want in an improved version of your product? I can guarantee that your sales staff can gather countless amounts of feedback that actual users would want to see improved upon. So, when looking to improve your product I suggest you ask your customers what they want, and not copy the competition.
Although imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

tags technorati :

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