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January 12, 2007

Ring ring!

It goes without saying that the "right hand" of any salesperson is the phone. Phoning is timely, interactive, and personal–the perfect combination of assets for building a relationship.*

When I started in sales I failed over the phone. We are talking crash-and-burn. And I didn't know why! I couldn't get an appointment, much less sell anything. My ship was sinking and I had to find a way to plug the holes quickly or start looking for a new job.

So I went a bought a book about relationships. Not a book about sales.

I turned to the chapter about talking over the phone. And I began soaking up every word on every page. It became clear to me that I wasn't listening to person at the other end. And not just the words coming out of there mouth, but the tone and inflection in their voice. The little "non-verbal" cues they were giving me.

The Selling Point: Some of the best advice about sales is not always found in a book written about sales. I didn't have a problem selling I had a problem developing relationships. Since I had to learn how to develop a relationship with my customer over the phone, it only seemed natural to read a book about relationships. My best advice for you is to not always jump to the business section of your local bookstore when you are looking for an answer.

* Quote taken from Lead Generation for the Complex Sale.

1 comment:

Dave J. said...

So simple, so true! But there are SO many sales people that call me that could use that book.