Selling vs. Peddling
I have to laugh every time I see someone working in retail with a name badge on that says "sales associate" because the vast majority simply aren't in sales.
They are in peddling.
Peddling is much different from selling. When you peddle something, you don't care either way about the product, who you are selling it to, and whether it gets sold. To put it bluntly "it's just this thing that you have to get rid of in order to receive a check."
Salespeople know that it's more than just the exchange of good or services for an equivalent amount of money. Its about creating a positive experience for the customer that leads to a relationship worth talking about.
Thats not saying everyone in retail isn't a salesperson. I know a few that truely know the product, keep up with industry trends, and really work to provide the best service. And you can make the distinction immediately after meeting with them.
The Selling Point: It's not a question of semantics here. But what I want to stress is that your potential client, customer, or contact can tell immediately if you are peddler or a salesman. Peddlers will have a difficult time in the market and ultimately burn out faster than a salesman. If you manage a team responsible for growing your company ask yourself this question.
"Do I manage a team of peddlers or salespeople?"
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