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January 29, 2007

Sorry for the wait...

This weekend I ordered a pizza from one of those take-n-bake places. Anyway, I thought they were about to close so I asked if I could still order a pizza.

They said "sure, not a problem we don't close for another 15 minutes."

I proceeded to order my pizza and wait. Honestly, even though they had started to pack away some ingredients I didn't have to wait any longer than usual. But I was surprised when they brought the pizza out to me.

"Sorry to make you wait." She said. I was confused. I knew I had to wait, and the wait didn't seem all that bad, I got to check out the bulletin board postings and check out their specials.

But Sorry really stuck in my head.

I came home and while my pizza was baking I happened to check out this blog by Scott Ginsburg, Sorry Service versus Thankful Service.

It totally sums up my experience.

The Selling Point:
It's that a thank-you goes along way. Both when interacting with co-workers and with your customers. Remember it is really their time that you are using up, so thanking them for that should be your top priority. Not telling them "Sorry you had to spend so much time here."
Not to down-play the "sorry" but lets save that for major disasters.

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