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February 18, 2007

Impromptu Marketing

Quick- answer this question: You have 2,000 wanna-be college students walking around a campus low on energy do you want to sell to them?


And that is exactly what Monster Energy Drink did!

Here is the story, about eight blocks away from a college that was holding an open house Monster Energy Drink had one of those fiercely modified vehicles booming out music and giving away energy drinks to help promo a concert with a radio station. Not getting the traffic they wanted and hearing that a college not to far away was having an open house, they packed up, drove over and set-up the truck along a tour route. To say the least they immediately attracted a crowd. I witnessed this first hand yesterday while visiting the college, and like a bug to a glowing blue light I had to go over. I got the story from one of the guys handing out the cans. It did its job, and now I might be more inclined to buy Monster whenever I need an energy drink.

It was the perfect storm for a marketer. Captive audience- young & impressionable- free product. This is a great example of thinking on your feet. Kudos to Monster Energy Drink, your clearly not the brand leader but your not willing to sit back and be a complacent No. 2.

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