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March 8, 2007

Customer service the VR way

Great Job Vertical Response! You have an awesome customer service department!

I had to call the customer service department today. The person that answered the phone was fun, witty, and most importantly helpful. I couldn't believe it! They do customer service with style and flare. It is actually a pleasure to talk to them! Let me tell you that again, it is a pleasure to talk with them.

So if you don't already use Vertical Response for your email marketing, I encourage you to start now. And by chance if you need a question answered from them... well you can look forward to contacting the customer service department.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Vertical Response is great! I use them for my small shop, and the ONE and ONLY time I had to call-in for some questions I was having, not only did I get my questions answered, but the CR actually took the time to teach me some new tricks.