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March 3, 2007

Are you ready to buy yet?

Brian Carroll in his most recent post points out a crime that all of us in sales is guilty of committing. You know what I am talking about.

It's the "Hi, I was just calling to touch base" phone call.

STOP! No you weren't. You were calling to see if I wanted to finally buy your product.

The Selling Point:
I can't emphasize enough how important it is to not abuse the phone. I can't say that I am perfect, (I once called a contact just to see how she liked her new car and I wasn't selling cars). But what it comes down to is how important the message is and the delivery of that message. Take the advice from Brian, before you pick up the phone--just to pick up the phone. Get with you marketing department, determine a reason for the call and get a relevant message.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike,

Great blog and thanks for pointing your readers to my post on going beyond the lead. Here's the updated link.

Keep up the great work!
