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January 24, 2007

A phone call follow up...

Last week I posted about and how we should add that website to our toolkit for numerous reasons. Well, while I was there I signed up to receive the newsletter that they put out. I only had to enter some personal information, and I was done. Simple enough.

Today my office phone rang... it was!
I didn't think they would call?

They were just "doing a follow up to my submission for information, and wanted to inform me about the magazine they also offer." Lori and I had a great less than two minute conversation, followed by an immediate email that she promised to send.

I hung up being so pleased with the whole experience I am writing about. They quickly qualified me as someone slightly interested in the magazine, but not willing to commit right now. Rather than prophesying about how great their magazine is and how I should take advantage of the offer, they simply let me get on with my day.

The Selling Point: Qualification shouldn't be painful for either party. In fact it should be like a trip to a fast food restaurant--get in, get out, get on with your life.

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