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March 7, 2007

If I was a company president...

This would be my company ethos.

  1. The customer comes first. You need to be readily accessible to the customer and give them the answer you would want to hear. If we can't make them happy we don't need to be in business.

  2. Have fun. When this place becomes anything less than fun--quit and find something that makes you happy. And by all means if its something I can do, let me know. I believe the company should challenge you to grow.

  3. Wear what you want to the office. You should be productive, and if your the most productive in a suit--wear that. If its pajamas--wear that. The focus should be on the work, not the attire.

  4. No Lunch meetings. In fact unless it involves a bunch of people I don't see the reason to have a meeting, two people are not a meeting, that is a conversation. When you boil it down a meeting just encourages 'group think'. Personally too many cooks in the kitchen can ruin the stew... and all of those other cliché saying that come into play here.

  5. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. I would rather see a huge failure than a mediocre success. The most important thing is you tried.
  6. You are responsible for everyone else's success. When someone new starts its everyone's responsibility to train them. This is your chance to give them all the knowledge they need to succeed. Don't let them be baptized by fire!

  7. The 'cc:' and 'bcc:' line on an email doesn't exist! Period. If the email isn't important enough to go to the person, they surely don't deserve to see a copy of it.

  8. 40 hours. Thats how much time you need to put in between Monday and Friday. So if you need to run your kids to something. Do it. Your job will be here when you get back. Like to sleep in? Come in at noon. Your life isn't 9-5, so why should your job be?

  9. Make sure you try something new at least once a week. If its a marketing campaign think of a good idea, and then think of a better one. But most importantly make sure you always try something that is different than the last time. If you are afraid to do that, then shame on us for hiring you. So re-read rule #5 for more clarity.

  10. When in doubt, ask. My door is always open. We are all part of the same team, and I want you to succeed.
There it is in all of its glory. My top 10 rules for how I think a company should be run. What are your rules you would add to this list?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like. Solid common sense. Good job on this post.